Darwin F1

Darwin is a new cucumber in the range of varieties with high disease resistancies in combination with good production. Suitable for glasshouses in North Europe. Because of the very open plant-architecture it is a real Summer variety. The plant is balanced and has a good generative growth.

The fruit-setting is easy. The fruits of Darwin are 32 – 34 cm long with a dark-green smooth and shiny skin. The cucumbers are very straight and well-shaped and maintain a good quality throughout the crop cycle. The yield in kilos and pieces is good, the fruits are 400 – 450 gram.

Darwin has high resistance (HR) to CGMMV (Green Mottle Virus),CVYV (Cucumber Vein Yellowing Virus), CMV (Mosaic Virus) and Ccu (Cladosporium). Moreover it has high resistance (HR) against Powdery Mildew. There is a tolerance to Mycosphaerella.

Darwin is sold already in Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and Germany and introduced in Holland and Belgium.


Selling information

If you are interested in seeds of cucumber Adelaide F1, please contact info@sanaseeds.com