Nomia F1

Nomia is a very flexible Spring, Summer and Autumn variety for unheated glasshouses or tunnels in several countries. Nomia has a broad temperature adaptation and can be grown in both cool and hot seasons. This variety has the ability to do well in the hottest Summer period as well as in the cool Autumn period.

Nomia has straight attractive dark-green and shiny fruits of 28 – 34 cm with pronounced ribbing, short neck and with a goofd shelf life. It delivers a very high yield in kilos and pieces.

The plant is open and well-balanced under adverse conditions. In the hot Summer period Nomia remains generative and open with a good fruit setting.

The variety is high resistant (HR) to CVYV and Cladosporium and intermediate resistant (IR) to CMV and CYSDV. In the adult plant Nomia has good performance against Powdery Mildew.

Nomia is suitable for several countries like Eastern Europe, Mediterranean countries, Central America and Australia.


Selling information

If you are interested in seeds of cucumber Nomia F1, please contact