Perth F1

Perth is a long dutch cucumber variety for heated glasshouse production. The fruits are 30 – 36 cm long. This variety has the adaptability to low and high light levels. The best crop performance is seen in crops starting or finishing under low light conditions.

The yield of Perth is very high and the long fruits are of an exceptional quality. The fruit color is shiny dark-green, pronounced ribbing, without neck and very straight. The shelf life is good

The plant is strong balanced with a very good endurance for long-lasting crops. The excellent fruit quality is maintained until the end of the crop cycle. Perth never grows too vigorous or too weak.

It has a high resistance (HR) against Cladosporium and an intermediate resistance (IR) against Powdery Mildew.

Perth is suitable for several regions like North America and North and Eastern Europe.


Selling information

If you are interested in seeds of cucumber Perth F1, please contact